Monthly Archives: February 2014

Swimming Club fees from April 2014

Message to all members:

It is now more than a year since the current management committee started to run the swimming club, and many of you will be aware that the finances of the club have been precarious.
On a positive note, we have managed to gain two grants, one from the carnival committee, and we are waiting to see how much that will be, and the other, for £500, from Cheshire East Council. This money will be used to help pay the costs of training two of our teachers.
Since the introduction of the higher weekly subs for juniors, we are now sometimes covering the cost of pool hire, but still, in some weeks we do not. This means that we must eat into our reserves, or savings, and this is not sustainable.
It is proposed that, rather than increase the annual or weekly fees from the start of the new financial year after the Easter break, we will no longer ask for an annual fee but for a half-termly payment in advance, which will cover the weekly subs and what would have been the annual fee.
For juniors, the half-termly payment would be £25 (6 times per year), regardless of how long many weeks that covers. There will then be no further charge until after the Spring Bank Holiday. For those who come regularly, it will not lead to higher costs.
This is just a proposal and we would welcome feedback. Talking to some parents at the club, it would seem that some people would welcome it. Please email
Thank you
Bill Wolstencroft

Good news

For our teachers to be better qualified, we have made some funding applications to cover the cost of training. We have also asked for some help with the costs of insurance, which can be considerable.

To date, we have been notified that we will receive funding from the Congleton Carnival Committee and are waiting to find out how much that will be. We have also been successful in gaining a Community Grant from Cheshire East Council for £500.

We hope to train more teachers and will be applying for further funding to enable us to do that.

If there is anyone whose child is swimming with the club who is interested in helping out with the teaching, please get in touch. If you are able to commit to coming regularly, we will do our best to cover the cost of training, which you would then be able to use outside the club as well. This may be a useful addition to your CV. If you know of anyone not already connected with the club who might like to help, please give them our email address:

Thank you!