2017 Annual General Meeting update

The club held its annual general meeting on 26th June 2017, at the Leisure Centre.

We were delighted to see Anna Hulse and Heather Pearce in attendance and to learn that they would take on the roles of Chair and Secretary, when Bill and Sue stand down. They take up their roles this week and will be running the club fully from the beginning of the new term, in September.

To see the draft minutes of the meeting, click here.

2017 AGM

The next Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 26th June, at 7:30pm in the Directors’ Suite at the Leisure Centre.

All parents, swimmers and interested parties are welcome to come.

A request has gone out to all parents/carers for volunteers to take over the roles of Chair of the Management Committee and Secretary of the club. Thankfully, we do have two people who have stepped forward, so the future of the club is secure for the time being.

The minutes of the last meeting can be seen here. And the agenda for this year’s meeting here.

Peter Axson

It was very sad recently, to hear of the death of Peter Axson, MBE, who led the Congleton Amateur Swimming Club management committee for many years and was instrumental in teaching so many Congleton residents, both juniors and adults, to swim.

Peter and colleagues took over the running of the club when it moved from the old outdoor pool, where the Daneside Theatre now stands, into the new Congleton Leisure Centre in 1974. Without Peter and his fellow members of the committee, there would have been no amateur club, and many of us have just cause to be very grateful for his friendly support, dedication  and enthusiasm.

Peter’s funeral will be held at the Macclesfield Crematorium on Thursday 22nd September.  Further information can be seen on the Chronicle website.

Start of the autumn term

The Congleton Amateur Swimming Club will be opening its doors again on Tuesday 6th September and is looking forward to welcoming back all its swimmers. We realise that the schools will not have started back because of the Tour of Britain stage 3 that starts in Congleton that day. However, it will be good to get back in the water and see what we can all remember from last term. See you all then!


Summer fun session

We’re talking to the Leisure Centre about having a fun session on our last evening, which is July 19th. So, all being well, we’ll have the floats and other “toys” out for the under 18s swimmers.

The club will re-open on September 6th for the new term – when the next fees will be due for juniors.

In the meantime, we hope that the weather improves and that everyone has a great summer!

Congratulations and the new term

We are all delighted that Victoria Rogers has passed her ASA Level 1 Teaching Aquatics qualification and will be coming back to the club this term with ideas for its development.

The new term starts on 12 April and runs to 24 May, when we will have a week’s break for half-term, starting again on 7 June. We look forward to welcoming back all swimmers after the Easter holiday.

The club is under threat

Message from our chair, Bill Wolstencroft to all parents, carers and guardians:

It is with regret that Congleton Amateur Swimming Club needs to make you aware of some changes to the way we operate.

Everybody Sport and Recreation (ESAR) is the trust which runs the Leisure Centre for the council. They have told us that:

  1. The cost of hiring the pool will rise by 50% from 1 April 2016. For the time being, the club will cover the cost of this rise.
  2. From 1 April 2017, we will no longer be allowed to hire the pool in order to teach swimming. This means the two sessions at 6:30pm and 7pm that we currently run.

The intention is that ESAR will provide all swimming lessons from then, up to a certain standard. It is apparently the only way in which ESAR can remain financially viable.

Although we will be OK in the short term, if we are only allowed to run the 7:30pm and adult sessions, the club will soon run out of money. The management committee will be looking into all the implications very soon, and will be working on an action plan.

CASC has been running for 79 years, entirely run by volunteers, so it is very sad indeed that the club is under such a threat. There are similar schemes being put in place in many parts of the country and ESAR is applying their new conditions to all 11 clubs that operate in Cheshire East.

In the meantime, if your child will need further swim teaching and you want him or her to continue learning after April 2017, you will need to contact the Leisure Centre.

Yours sincerely

Bill Wolstencroft