
The management committee of the club, who are all volunteers, comprises the following roles:

Co-Chairs – Margaret Haran and Heather Pearce
Vice Chair – Brian Leese
Treasurer – Kath Bratt
Secretary – Heather Pearce
Membership Secretary – Margaret Haran

Publicity – Fran Williams

The volunteer swim teachers are: Kath Bratt, Tracy Harvey

Volunteers are: Fran Williams, Anita Bentley, Natalie Smith, Jack Briggs

All of us can be contacted through the website – go to the contact form. You can also leave a message at the desk, in confidence.

The club has adopted the schools model with regard to safeguarding and the Chair is now taking the lead. Heather or Margaret can be reached by emailing If you prefer, you can ask at the desk for the Chair to get in touch with you. You need not give any details at the desk.